Tanahu Hydropower affected communities express concerns on formation of local consultation forum and plan further advocacy actions

22 July 2017

Tanahu Hydropower Project affected communities have expressed concerns on the formation of local consultation forum as operational-level grievance mechanism for the project for lack of adequate mandate and effective representation of the communities. They have also planned further advocacy actions against the project, including litigations and complaints. more “Tanahu Hydropower affected communities express concerns on formation of local consultation forum and plan further advocacy actions”

Awareness raising seminars organized on communities’ rights and resettlement in relation to Tanahu Hydropower Project

Tanahu Hydropower Project affected communities’ bodies organized a series of three awareness raising seminars on communities’ rights and resettlement in relation to Tanahu Hydropower Project was organized today in Bhimad municipality and Myagde and Risingh villages from 11-13 June 2017.

The seminars were organized in coordination with Community Empowerment and Social Justice Foundation (CEmSoJ) together with Indigenous Women Legal Awareness Group (INWOLAG). more “Awareness raising seminars organized on communities’ rights and resettlement in relation to Tanahu Hydropower Project”

तनँहू जलविद्युत परियोजना प्रभावितद्वारा विरोध प्रदर्शन | Tanahu Hydropower Project affected communities stage protests

बुधवार ११ फाल्गुन, तनहुँ

तनँहू जलविद्युत परियोजनाको मुआब्जा तथा क्षतिपूर्ति निर्धारण समितिको विरोधमा परियोजना प्रभावितहरूले “जग्गाको सट्टा जग्गा दे, घरको सट्टा घर दे विभेदकारी मुआब्जा तथा क्षतिपूर्ति निर्देशिका बदर गर, पुर्नवास तथा आदिवासी जनजाति निति लागू गर, ए. डि. बि सुरक्षण निति पालना गर, अर्थपूर्ण परामर्श गर” लगायतको नारा उल्लेखित प्ले कार्ड सहित ३००-३५० जना प्रभावितहरूको बृहत् ¥याली मादी पुलबाट परियोजनाको कार्यालय हुदैँ जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यलय दमौली अगाडि कोण सभामा परिणत भएको थियो ।


22 February, Tanahu

Tanahu Hydropower Project affected communities today staged a protest rally and assembly against the decision of compensation for the land acquisition and other impacts of the Project made by a governmental committee. The communities demanded land-for-land and house-for-house compensation, annulment of the discriminatory compensation directives in relation to the Project, respect for the Asian Development Bank safeguards and conduct of meaningful consultations for the implementation of the Project. Around 300-350 attended the rally that started from Madi Bridge and passed through the Project office before turning into a corner assembly in front of Tanahu District Administration office.

Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Investment Bank (EIB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are jointly financing the Project with Nepal Government, which Tanahu Hydropower Limited under Nepal Electricity Authority is implementing.


ADB co-financed Tanahu Hydropower Project affected communities reject compensation

*Please note this is an unofficial translation

To editors of all media agencies
10 February 2017

Press release

The reports in local newspapers published on 10 February 2017 that Tanahu Hydropower Project have taken forward the process of distribution of compensation to the residents of reservoir area have drawn serious attention of the concerned people of the inundation area. The compensation has been determined in a one-sided and arbitrary manner without informing and obtaining consent of the affected people or their participation despite the preliminary discussions on the issue. The bodies of affected people – Tanahu Hydropower Directly Affected Area Concerned Committee & Directly Concerned Inundation Area Conservation Committee – jointly condemn the decision in strongest terms and express our disagreement on it.

We would like to draw the attention of the concerned agencies that the affected people do not agree with the compensation determined in any way and call on to consider the following points when determining compensation:

  1. We have the natural right to determine the value of our lands ourselves. However, the compensation determined without our consent is undemocratic, so the compensation should be determined with our consent.
  2. The compensation should be determined on the basis of not only the traditional thinking but also the scientific analysis of the use of the lands
  3. Discrimination in compensation fixation
    Among the affected areas under the Tanahu Hydropower Project, the residents of Jhaputar were provided compensation at the rate of minimum NPR 100,000 to NPR 300,000 per anna (31.80 m²). However, as per the news reports, we learnt of the decision that the residents within the reservoir under the same project would be compensated at the rate of NPR 200,000 to 800,000 per ropani (508.72 m²). Such discriminatory decision should be annulled and compensation should be distributed as per the 26-point memorandum of the affected people
  4. About rejecting the compensation
    We notify that we will not accept the compensation determined currently until the 26-point demands are addressed.
  5. We notify that we will even submit a complaint to the Asian Development Bank regarding the discriminatory decision of the Project.
  6. We notify that we will undertake strong protests if the 26-point demands are not addressed and will publish the protest programmes in near future

Directly Concerned Inundation Area Conservation Committee

Tanahu Hydropower Directly Affected Area Concerned Committee

Click here to read the original press release in Nepali and here to download the unofficial English translation of the press release.

Tanahu Hydropower Project affected communities submit 26-point memorandum to Energy Minister

18 December 2016

Affected communities of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded Tanahu Hydropower Project today submitted a 26-point memorandum to Nepal’s Energy Minister Janardan Sharma informing on their concerns with the Project impacts and setting forth their demands.

In the memorandum, the Tanahu Hydropower Directly Affected Area Concerned Committee and Directly Concerned Inundation Area Conservation Committee have welcomed the Project for the sake of the country’s prosperity even though it has great impacts on their traditional lands, livelihoods and socio-economic life. They have alleged that the Project has deprived them of their right to formal information and misled the ADB by reporting up to 12 consultations when there has not been any meaningful consultation and not obtained consent though required by the ADB.

The memorandum calls on the Project, with copies furnished to relevant government authorities as well as the Project financiers –the ADB, European Investment Bank (EIB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), to immediately fulfill their demands, which include provide a copy of the Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples Plan of the Project as well as ADB Safeguards Policy applicable to the Project, conduct meaningful consultations with the affected communities and include their representation in compensation fixation committee as well as to provide compensation for traditional lands of the communities to which the affected families do not hold legal title, among other demands.

After listening to the demands, Minister Sharma (not to be quoted) assured that the Project was for the people and our development, so the Nepal’s Government was always ready to help the local communities. He also said that though all the demands would not be fulfilled, their rights would also not be curtailed.

Parliamentarian of Tanahu district from Nepali Congress, the largest party in Nepal, Jhul Bahadur Ale (not to be quoted) was also present in the meeting and positive to the demands of the affected communities.

After meeting the Minister, the affected communities’ representatives went to the Project office in Kathmandu to submit their memorandum. However, since the CEO of Tanahu Hydropower Ltd was out of country, they filed their memorandum with the Deputy Manager, Chanda Ananda Raj Vaidya (not to be quoted). He informed about the works ongoing with the Project and took the demands positively and promised to respond to them shortly.

Earlier in November, the two bodies of the affected communities had submitted their memorandum to the local office of the Project.

You can read the original memorandum in Nepali here and the draft translation in English here (personal identities and pictures kept confidential).

Khokana Newars file complaint to NHRC over human rights violations in land acquisition for Kathmandu-Tarai Fast Track Highway

26 September 2016, Lalitpur

Newars of Khokana area today filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission demanding redress for violations of their property, land and cultural rights in course of land acquisition process for Kathmandu-Tarai/Madhes Fast Track Highway.

Land acquisition notice for the Fast Track Highway, a national pride project, was published in March. Khokana representatives, including local political leaders, had immediately submitted a complaint to the Ministry of Home Affairs citing disagreements over absence of consultation among affected communities about the project design as well as impacts. There has not been any response to their complaint. more “Khokana Newars file complaint to NHRC over human rights violations in land acquisition for Kathmandu-Tarai Fast Track Highway”

काठमाडौँ तराई द्रुतमार्गको जग्गा अधिग्रहणमा खोकनामा मानव अधिकार उल्लंघन भएको भन्दै राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार आयोगमा उजुरी

ललितपुर, ६ आश्विन २०७३

काठमाडौँ तराई (मधेस) द्रुतमार्ग परियोजनाको जग्गा अधिग्रहण प्रक्रियामा खोकनावासीका सम्पत्ति, जमिन तथा संस्कृतिलगायतका अधिकार हनन भएको भन्दै स्थानीय प्रतिनिधिहरुले राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार आयोगमा उजुरी गरेका छन् ।

राष्ट्रिय गौरवको परियोजना भनिएको दु्रतमार्गको लागि खोकना क्षेत्रमा जग्गा अधिग्रहणको सूचना गत चैतमा प्रकाशित गरिएको थियो । लगत्तै राजनीतिक दलका स्थानीय नेतासहित स्थानीय प्रतिनिधिहरुले प्रभावित समुदायसँग योजना निर्माण र त्यसका प्रभावबारे कुनै परामर्श नगरी जग्गा अधिग्रहण गर्न लागिएको कार्यमा अस्वीकृति जनाउँदै गृह मन्त्रालयमा उजुरी दर्ता गरेका थिए । सो उजुरीको हालसम्म कुनै सम्बोधन भएको छैन । more “काठमाडौँ तराई द्रुतमार्गको जग्गा अधिग्रहणमा खोकनामा मानव अधिकार उल्लंघन भएको भन्दै राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार आयोगमा उजुरी”

Nepal’s activists submit memo to the UN for implementation of right to multilingual education on Indigenous Peoples Day

Nepal’s indigenous rights activists and educationists have urged the UN to take actions for implementation of the right to multilingual education in a letter of memorandum submitted to the UN country office on Tuesday for the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.

more “Nepal’s activists submit memo to the UN for implementation of right to multilingual education on Indigenous Peoples Day”

Shadow report on violations of indigenous children’s rights in Nepal submitted to the UN

US-based NGO Cultural Survival, together with CEmSoJ and other organizations, today submitted a shadow report on violations of indigenous children’s rights for the review of Nepal under the 72nd session of Committee on the Rights of the Child. The review of Nepal is scheduled for 19-20 May, 2016.

The report details continuing violations of rights of indigenous children in relation to constitutional rights, citizenship rights, early marriage, health, education, violence against children, trafficking, child labor and ineffective post-earthquake aid. more “Shadow report on violations of indigenous children’s rights in Nepal submitted to the UN”