Joint submission to the UN Special Rapporteur calling attention to the continued concerns of Indigenous Magar and other local communities affected by Tanahu Hydropower Project in western Nepal

Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ), Indigenous Women Legal Awareness Group (INWOLAG), International Accountability Project (IAP) and NGO Forum on ADB made a joint submission to the newly appointed UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development on Tuesday to draw his attention to the continued concerns of Indigenous Magars and other local communities affected by the Tanahu Hydropower Project in western Nepal and calling for his action to safeguard the rights of the affected communities.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Government of Nepal are co-financing the 140 MW reservoir type Project. Since the beginning of the Project, one main concern was the absence of accessible and timely information disclosure. In 2020, affected Indigenous Magar and other local communities submitted various complaints to the independent accountability mechanims of the ADB and the EIB calling for respect of their free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) in the Project decisions affecting them and for land-for-land and house-for-house compensation for the land and houses that will be impacted by the Project, among other demands such as restoration of communal resources such as grazing lands, sacred sites and forests as well as sharing of benefits of the Project. Further, they have also raised concerns about environmental risks posed by the impending inundation of the Project as well as ongoing illegal sand and stone mining on the riverbanks in the inundation area affecting their lands and settlements. Their complaints have results in dispute resolution processes facilitated by the ADB’s Office of the Special Project Facilitator (OSPF) and the EIB-Complaint Mechanim (EIB-CM), which are at various stages.

more “Joint submission to the UN Special Rapporteur calling attention to the continued concerns of Indigenous Magar and other local communities affected by Tanahu Hydropower Project in western Nepal”

AIPNEE and CEMSOJ’s joint submission on Development Finance Institutions and Human Rights to the UN

Below is the joint submission made by Asia Indigenous Peoples Network on Extractive Industries and Energy (AIPNEE) and Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ) to the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights for their forthcoming report on “Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and Human Rights”. The submission particularly focuses on the rights of indigenous peoples based on the experiences of AIPNEE and CEMSOJ of working with indigenous and other local communities that have faced or are facing human rights impacts due to energy and trade facilitation projects financed by various DFIs.

Click here for the PDF of the submission.

more “AIPNEE and CEMSOJ’s joint submission on Development Finance Institutions and Human Rights to the UN”

Nepal: Stop State brutality against the Indigenous Tamangs and other Locals for the construction of Tamakoshi-Kathmandu 220/400 kV Transmission Line Project in Shankharapur, Kathmandu

CEMSOJ joins organizations and individuals worldwide in the following public statement issued to the concerned authorities of Nepal and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Nepal: Stop State brutality against the Tamang Indigenous Peoples and Locals

Stop the construction of Tamakoshi-Kathmandu 220/400 kV Transmission Line Project in Shankharapur-3, Kathmandu

We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, strongly condemn the ongoing repression by Nepal’s police and armed police forces on the indigenous Tamang and other locals in Bojheni village, Shankharapur municipality Ward no. 3 in the northeast of Kathmandu for the construction of Tamakoshi-Kathmandu 200/400 kV Transmission Line and its substation.

more “Nepal: Stop State brutality against the Indigenous Tamangs and other Locals for the construction of Tamakoshi-Kathmandu 220/400 kV Transmission Line Project in Shankharapur, Kathmandu”

Indigenous Newar communities in Khokana and Bungamati call for follow-up actions from UN experts in Geneva to protect their rights threatened by the construction of Fast Track Expressway and other infrastructure projects

10 July 2022, Kathmandu

Indigenous Newar communities – affected by the Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track (Expressway) Project and other ongoing or planned infrastructure and urbanization projects in historical settlements of Khokana and Bungamati in the south of Nepal’s capital city, Kathmandu – have called on four UN mechanisms in Geneva to take follow up actions for safeguarding their rights against the continued serious threats of displacement of the communities, violations of their land and resource rights as well as cultural rights and other impacts on them due to the ill-planned projects.

In separate letters emailed today to the UN Special Rapporteurs on the rights of indigenous peoples, on the right to adequate housing and on the situation of human rights defenders as well as the Working Group on business and human rights, two local groups (Janasarokar Samiti of Khokana and Bungamati) representing the affected communities have urged the UN mechanisms to jointly examine the information submitted and undertake follow up correspondence with the Government of Nepal to protect and promote the rights of the indigenous communities in the context of those projects. As stated in the letters, besides the Fast Track Expressway, other ongoing or planned projects, including Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project (Bagmati Corridor), Kathmandu Outer Ring Road and Thankot-Bhaktapur Transmission Line Project and one of the four “Smart Cities” proposed in Kathmandu valley, will entirely displace the indigenous communities from the historical settlements. Asian Development Bank has directly or indirectly supported many of those projects.

more “Indigenous Newar communities in Khokana and Bungamati call for follow-up actions from UN experts in Geneva to protect their rights threatened by the construction of Fast Track Expressway and other infrastructure projects”

Tamakoshi-Kathmandu Transmission Line affected communities call on the Asian Development Bank to realign the power line and relocate its sub-station

3 November 2021, Kathmandu

Indigenous Tamang and other locals of Shankharapur municipality in the northeast of Kathmandu affected by the Tamakoshi-Kathmandu 200/400 kV Transmission Line and its Bojheni substation today submitted a memorandum to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Nepal Resident Mission. They have called for realignment of the Transmission Line and shifting of the sub-station from their settlement area as planned under the ADB-financed Electricity Transmission Expansion and Supply Improvement Project.

In the memorandum emailed to the ADB with signatures of more than 200 affected locals, the Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project Victims’ Struggle Society has alleged that they have not been adequately informed about the impacts of the Transmission Line and the sub-station and the land acquisition has been undertaken through intimidation of the landowners. The construction of the Transmission Line and its sub-station has been halted for the last two years due to the opposition of the locals. They allege that the Project is seeking to construct the Bojheni substation in an unauthorized manner without agreement of the locals. Further, the Transmission Line running over their houses, lands and religious and cultural sites will devaluate their properties, significantly affect their livelihoods dependent on agriculture and tourism as well as the environment and even cause insecurity to their health and lives, which will eventually displace them from their ancestral lands and settlement.

more “Tamakoshi-Kathmandu Transmission Line affected communities call on the Asian Development Bank to realign the power line and relocate its sub-station”

तामाकोशी-काठमाडौं प्रसारण लाइन पिडित समुदायद्वारा प्रसारण लाइन र त्यसको सबस्टेशन स्थानान्तरण गर्न माग गर्दै एसियाली विकास बैंकलाई ज्ञापनपत्र बुझाइयो 

३ नोवेम्बेर २०२१ (वि. सं. २०७८ कार्तिक १७), काठमाडौँ

तामाकोशी–काठमाडौं २००/४०० के.भी. प्रसारण लाइन र त्यसको बोझेनी सवस्टेशनबाट पिडित काठमाडौंको उत्तरपूर्वस्थित शंखारापुर नगरपालिकाका आदिवासी तामांग र अन्य स्थानीयहरुले एसियाली विकास बैंक (एडीबी) को नेपाल आवासीय मिसनलाई आज ज्ञापनपत्र बुझाएका छन्। उनीहरुले एडीबीको सहयोगमा कार्यन्वयन भइरहेको Electricity Transmission Expansion and Supply Improvement Project अन्तर्गतको  प्रसारण लाइन र त्यसको सवस्टेसन उनीहरुको बस्ती क्षेत्रबाट स्थानान्तरण गरी अन्तै सार्नको लागि आह्वान गरेका छन्।

२०० भन्दा बढी पिडित स्थानियहरुको हस्ताक्षर सहित एडीबीलाई ईमेल मार्फत बुझाइएको ज्ञापनपत्रमा अप्पर तामाकोसी जलविद्युत् परियोजना पिडित संघर्ष समाजले प्रसारण लाइन र सब स्टेशनको प्रभावबारे पर्याप्त जानकारी नगराएको र जग्गाधनीहरुलाई डर धम्की देखाई जग्गा अधिग्रहण गरिएको भनिएको छ। स्थानीयहरुको विरोधका कारण विगत दुई वर्षदेखि प्रसारण लाइन र सबस्टेसन निर्माणको काम रोकिएको छ। आयोजनाले स्थानीयको सहमतिविना अनधिकृत रुपमा बोझेनी सबस्टेसन निर्माण गर्न खोजेको उनीहरुको आरोप छ। यसबाहेक, उनीहरूको घर, जग्गा र धार्मिक तथा सांस्कृतिक स्थलहरू माथिबाट तानिने प्रसारण लाइनले उनीहरुको सम्पत्तिको अवमूल्यन हुने, कृषि र पर्यटनमा आश्रित उनीहरूको जीविकोपार्जन तथा वातावरणमा ठूलो असर पर्ने र उनीहरूको स्वास्थ्य र जीवनमा असुरक्षासमेत निम्त्याउने ज्ञापनपत्रमा भनिएको छ। फलस्वरूप, पिडित आदिवासी र स्थानीय समुदाय आफ्नो पुर्ख्यौली जग्गा जमिन र बासस्थानबाट विस्थापित गर्ने ज्ञापनपत्रमा उल्लेख छ।

more “तामाकोशी-काठमाडौं प्रसारण लाइन पिडित समुदायद्वारा प्रसारण लाइन र त्यसको सबस्टेशन स्थानान्तरण गर्न माग गर्दै एसियाली विकास बैंकलाई ज्ञापनपत्र बुझाइयो “

Nepal’s indigenous Majhi communities demand cancellation of Sunkoshi-2 Hydropower Project

6 October 2021, Manthali/Kathmandu

Indigenous Majhi communities of Ramechhap and Sindhuli districts in eastern Nepal have demanded cancellation of Sunkoshi-2 Hydropower Project stating that the Project will result in large scale displacement of the Majhi communities and other locals and even wipe out the identity and existence of the Majhi people from their ancestral lands.

On Thursday (30 September), hundreds of Majhis from various villages of Ramechhap and Sindhuli districts clad in their indigenous attire took out a protest rally playing their traditional drums and musical instruments in Manthali – the district headquarter of Ramechhap. They carried boat- and fish-shaped placards and chanted slogans calling for, among others, annulment of the Sunkoshi-2 Hydropower Project, respect for their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and creation of an autonomous Majhi protected region. The Majhis led by the Sunkoshi-2 Hydropower Project Joint Struggle Committee also submitted their letter demanding cancellation of the Project to the Chief District Officer of Ramechhap, Dipak Kumar Pahadi, and the Mayor of Manthali Municipality, Ramesh Kumar Basnet. They assured the Majhi representatives that the local authorities were serious about their demand and that it will be conveyed to the concerned national authorities. Following submission of the demand letter, the rally converged into a corner assembly in Manthali town center, whereby the Majhi communities’ representatives and Committee officials relayed their concerns and demand.

more “Nepal’s indigenous Majhi communities demand cancellation of Sunkoshi-2 Hydropower Project”

Nepal’s govt ignores UN experts’ letters concerning alleged violations of indigenous Newar rights in the construction of the Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track Expressway and of the Chhaya Center business complex

On 30 March 2021, UN experts sent a letter to the Government of Nepal regarding alleged violations of the rights of indigenous Newar peoples over their lands, resources and over the loss of religious and cultural sites in the context of the construction of the Terai/Madhesh FastTrack Expressway and the construction of the Chhaya Center business complex in the tourist district of Thamel in Kathmandu.

The Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises; and three Special Rapporteurs on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, on the situation of human rights defenders and on the rights of indigenous peoples of the UN had sent the letter requesting a response from the government. However, the government has disgracefully ignored the letter and not sent any reply even within the period of 60 days as provided in the letter.

The allegation letter is available at the link

more “Nepal’s govt ignores UN experts’ letters concerning alleged violations of indigenous Newar rights in the construction of the Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track Expressway and of the Chhaya Center business complex”

UNESCO, ILO and UN Nepal office called to take actions against displacement of Newars in Khokana and Bungamati due to Fast Track highway and other projects

Save Nepa Valley movement and Nepal Sanskritik Punarjagaran Abhiyan have called for urgent attention of UNESCO, ILO and UN country offices in Nepal to the serious threats of displacement of indigenous Newar communities, violations of their land and resource rights, destruction of cultural heritage and other impacts on them in the historical settlements of Khokana and Bungamati due to the ill-planned Kathmandu – Terai/Madhesh Fast Track (Expressway) and other infrastructure construction projects in the area. more “UNESCO, ILO and UN Nepal office called to take actions against displacement of Newars in Khokana and Bungamati due to Fast Track highway and other projects”

निर्माणाधीन तनहुँ जलविद्युत् परियोजना प्रभावित आदिवासी समुदायबाट एसियाली विकास बैंक र युरोपियन इन्भेष्टमेन्ट बैंकमा उजुरी

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति 

निर्माणाधीन तनहुँ जलविद्युत् परियोजना प्रभावित आदिवासी समुदायबाट एसियाली विकास बैंक र युरोपियन इन्भेष्टमेन्ट बैंकमा उजुरी

परियोजनाले समुदायको स्वतन्त्र पूर्व सूसुचित सहमती कायम गर्न र जग्गा र जीविकामा हुने हानिको लागि पर्याप्त मुवाब्जा तथा क्षतिपूर्ति दिन असफल भएको गुनासो 

तत्काल प्रकाशनको लागि

८ फाल्गुन २०७६ 

तनहुँ, नेपाल – नेपालमा निर्माणाधीन तनहुँ जलविद्युत् परियोजनाबाट प्रभावित आदिवासी समुदायहरूले परियोजनासँगको समस्या समाधान गर्न स्वतन्त्र मध्यस्थताको लागि अनुरोध गर्दै परियोजनाका दुई लगानीकर्ता एसियाली विकास बैंक र यूरोपियन लगानी बैंकका उजुरी संयत्रहरुमा उजुरी गरेका छन्। “प्रत्यक्ष डुबान पिडित सामूहिक पुर्नअधिकार संरक्षण समिति”मा आबद्ध कम्तिमा ३२ प्रभावित परिवार वा जग्गाधनीहरूले जग्गाको सट्टा जग्गा र घरको सट्टा घर नै मुवाब्जा हुनुपर्ने, परियोजनाको विस्तृत सर्वेको क्रममा छुट्टिएका जग्गाको पुन: सर्वेक्षण गरिनुपर्ने र परियोजनाको प्रक्रियामा स्वतन्त्र पूर्व सूसुचित सहमती कार्यान्वयन गर्नुपर्ने सहितका १० बुँदे माग राखी गत मंगलबार (२८ माघ) मा उजुरी बुझाएका हुन्।  more “निर्माणाधीन तनहुँ जलविद्युत् परियोजना प्रभावित आदिवासी समुदायबाट एसियाली विकास बैंक र युरोपियन इन्भेष्टमेन्ट बैंकमा उजुरी”