Indigenous Majhi and local communities affected by Sunkoshi-Marin Diversion Multipurpose Project submit 13-point demands to the local authorities

18 January 2021, Manthali, Ramechhap

Indigenous Majhi and other communities affected by the Sunkoshi-Marin Diversion Multipurpose project in Ramechhap district in eastern Nepal have submitted a 13-point memorandum to the local authorities on Sunday expressing their discontent with the project. They have alleged that they have not been adequately informed and meaningfully consulted about the project and that there has not been an agreement on the decision making of the project, including in relation to land acquisition.

Sunkoshi-Marin Diversion Multipurpose Project Affected Committee submitted the memorandum with signatures of more than 300 affected persons of six villages that lie within the inundation area of the project in Ramechhap district to the District Administration Office, Manthali municipality, Khadedevi rural municipality, Land Revenue Office as well as representatives to the federal and provincial parliaments from the district. The memorandum was also submitted to the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation and the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet of Minister through the District Administration Office.

Aimed to provide irrigation facilities to 122,00 hectares of land in five districts in southern Nepal by diverting water from Sunkoshi river to Marin Khola, the Sunkoshi-Marin Multipurpose Diversion Project – termed as project of national pride – will also generate 28.62 MW of hydroelectricity. As stated in the memorandum, the under-construction project will inundate ancestral lands, riverbanks and sacred sites of indigenous Majhi and other local communities that they have traditionally used or acquired. That will displace the communities, deprive them of agriculture, fishing, boating and other livelihoods and negatively impact their religious, cultural and social lives.

Around 90 percent of the people living in the inundation area belong to highly marginalized Majhi community. However, as per the memorandum, the inundation area determined without effective representation of the Majhi community and the land acquisition notice published by Nepal government in September 2020 have caused uncertainties among the affected communities while they also do not agree with the rate of compensation fixed by the official Compensation Determination Committee without their representation.

The Committee representing the affected communities has warned of series of protests if the authorities do not take concrete steps to address their following 13-point demands within fifteen days.

  1. Information related to the Sunkoshi Marine Diversion Multipurpose Project, including the Environmental Impact Assessment Report, should be made available in language and form understandable to the affected communities.
  2. Affected indigenous Majhi and other communities should be meaningfully consulted and their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) must be obtained on the decisions of the project impacting the communities.
  3. As there is uncertainty and disagreement among the affected communities about land acquisition and other impacts of the project on the properties (houses, lands, sheds, etc.) as well as the riverbanks and other lands and resources of the communities with or without their legal titles, a field survey should be redone with participation of the concerned communities to ascertain the impacts of the project or acquisition of properties and lands and to determine fair compensation. In particular, there should be representation of the affected communities in the Compensation Determination Committee.
  4. If the land and properties must be acquired, arrangement should be made for land for land and house for house compensation of the same quality and value for the land or house acquired as per the desire of the affected household. Similarly, proper arrangements should also be made for the houses, cowshed, lands and resources of the affected indigenous Majhi communities that they have traditionally used or occupied but do not hold legal ownership titles to.
  5. Affected communities should be allowed to use the lands and properties that will be acquired until inundation and the crops and trees affected by the inundation should also be provided fair compensation.
  6. Each family in the affected area should be provided an employment per household in the project based on skills and capacities. There should be a free training from the project to increase the capacities of those affected.
  7. The project should be transformed into a company and the affected indigenous Majhi and locals should be provided free shares of the project and free electricity generated from it.
  8. The money that will be provided to the local government of the affected areas under the Community Development Program of the project should be used especially for the benefit of the affected Indigenous Majhi and local communities in participation of the communities. In particular, model settlements should be developed in the inundation area through the development of education, health, transportation, electricity, drinking water, communication and other infrastructures. In addition, necessary survey should be undertaken, and concrete walls should be constructed for the protection of the villages around the inundation area, including lands, schools, and physical infrastructure therein.
  9. The revenue received from the project by the local and state governments (25% each) should be used for the benefit of the affected Indigenous Majhi and local communities with the participation of the affected communities.
  10. In the reservoir formed by the project, tourism and boating programs should be conducted through local committees of the affected Majhi communities to preserve their traditional skills and livelihoods, and the government should provide necessary assistance for such programs.
  11. As no assessment has been made of the serious negative impacts on the culture of the Indigenous Majhi affected by the project, including the inundation of the ghats (sites for boat landing/crossing and holding fairs), cultural impact assessment for the project should be undertaken with participation of the affected communities. The project should implement programs to preserve the culture, language, and costumes of the Majhi tribe with the participation of the communities. In particular, funeral sites (sites for making offerings to the departed) and places for fishing of the Majhis should be managed. In addition, public properties including temples, religious sits and rest houses should be properly protected and developed.
  12. Special programs should be put in place for the protection and development of women, children and senior citizens of the project affected areas.
  13. The rights of indigenous Majhi and local communities should be ensured in course of the implementation of the project in accordance with Convention No. 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO C169) and other international laws. In particular, the specific rights of the affected indigenous Majhi to the local resources should be guaranteed.

Click here to read this website post in Nepali and the original memorandum in Nepali.

Chaya center’s workers become owners’ ‘thugs’, threaten heritage rights activist (with letter)

Kathmandu, 31 December 2020

Workers have a history of taking to the streets and carrying out struggles when their employers do injustice and exploit labor. However, it has been found that today’s workers have started to engage in various unwanted activities to protect their employers instead of protesting against the black acts committed by their employers and investors.

It has been found that the so-called leaders of the workers working at the Chhaya Devi Complex built by occupying Kamalpokhari in Thamel have threatened the rights activist fighting for heritage conservation. Banker and billionaire businessmen Prithvi Bahadur Pandey, Suman Pandey and owner of Hotel Aloft and Chhaya center, Suhrid Ghimire have been found to have used their employees like local thugs to threaten the activist.

Bhagwat Pradhan, a heritage rights activist, has been threatened by the workers of the Chhaya Devi Complex built on the land of Kamalpokhari, which was grabbed by 43 land mafia. Alleged labor leaders came to his house to threaten him. “My wife was threatened at home. I was threatened by Ram Bahadur Shrestha, the secretary of GEFONT (General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions),” Bhagwat told the Diyopost.

On behalf of the 1,200 workers employed at the Chhaya center, the three leaders threatened him with a three-day ultimatum. Their letter reads as follows:

27 Dec 2021

Mr. Bhagwat Narsingh Pradhan 

Currently Sitapaila, Kathmandu.

Subject: Regarding anti- labor activities

Concerning the above subject, this letter is written with regards to the concerns of the workers related to the Aloft Hotel and Chhaya Devi Complex located at Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Ward No. 26 Thamel and Casino Waldo, night club, travel, trekking restaurant and other businesses operating therein.

It has been reported that unethical and unwanted attacks are being carried out at your initiative against the Chhaya Center and other businesses including the Aloft Hotel [therein] that have come in operation after recent completion of construction as there was no order from the esteemed courts to stop the construction of the Chhaya Devi Complex as per your demand in frequent petitions filed by you.

Against the constitutional right of operating business activities of the Chhaya Devi Complex and the businesses operating therein, you and others regularly intervene to provoke the customers, put pressure on the guests, special guests and prominent guests not to participate in any event at the Chhaya Devi Complex or Chhaya Center as well as pressurize international headquarters of Marriott International, VFS Global (International Visa Facilitation Office) and various national and international relations and spread false messages through social media channels to undertake systematic attacks on promotion of business partnership and reputation [of the Chhaya Center]. Due to these attacks, even the livelihoods of around 1200 labor and self employed businesses in the Chhaya Center have been risked. Thus, you are requested to stop above-mentioned unwanted activities and misinformation and attacks on the business and express loyal commitment to the order of the esteemed court on the petition filed by you yourself within 3 days at the Central committees of the Nepal Independent Hotel, Casino and Restaurant Workers Union and the Union of Trekking Travels Rafting Workers Nepal (UNITRAV). Otherwise, it is informed that the workers will be forced to fight for their rights, including their livelihoods, against your unwanted activity.


Surya Bahadur Kunwar

Chairman, Nepal Independent Hotel, Casino and restaurant Workers Union,        

Central Committee                          


Suman Parajuli

Chairman,UNITRAV Central Committee


Mr. Maheshor Prakash Shrestha

Executive Director, Chhaya Devi Complex, Thamel Kathmandu.

Translated from news report in Nepali published on the Diyopost at the link

For more related information, see Campaign to restore archaeological Kamal Pokhari in Thamel urges ILO and UN to protect rights infringed due to construction of Chhaya Center

खोकना र बुंगमतीका आदिवासी नेवार समुदायद्वारा काठमाडौं-तराई/मधेस द्रुतमार्ग र अन्य परियोजनाका कारण जोखिममा परेका आफ्ना अधिकार संरक्षण गरिदिन आग्रह गर्दै जेनेभास्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघीय संयन्त्रलाई पत्र

१ डिसेम्बर २०२०, काठमाडौँ 

काठमाडौं- तराई/मधेस द्रुतमार्ग (फास्ट ट्र्याक) लगायत खोकना र बुंगमतिमा निर्माणाधीन वा प्रस्तावित विभिन्न पूर्वाधार विकास तथा सहरीकरणका परियोजनाबाट प्रभावित ती ऐतिहासिक बस्तीका आदिवासी नेवार समुदायले जेनेभास्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघका दुई विज्ञहरूलाई ती परियोजनाले समुदाय विस्थापित हुने गम्भीर खतरा रहेको, तिनको भुमि र स्रोतसाधन माथिको अधिकार र सांस्कृतिक अधिकार उल्लङ्घन भएको र अन्य प्रतिकूल असर पार्ने भएकोले प्रभावित समुदायका अधिकार रक्षा गर्न तुरुन्त कदम चाल्न आग्रह गरेका छन्। 

प्रभावित समुदायको दुई प्रतिनिधि समूहहरु (जनसरोकार समिति खोकना र बुंगमती) ले आदिवासी जनजातिका अधिकार र सांस्कृतिक अधिकारको क्षेत्रका संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघका विशेष समाधिक्षक (Special Rapporteurs) हरुलाई आज पठाइएका पत्रमा ती समाधिक्षकहरुलाई फास्ट ट्र्याकलगायतका परियोजनाबाट प्रभावित आदिवासी जनजातिका भुमि, स्रोतसाधन, पवित्रस्थल र संस्कृतिको अधिकार संरक्षण र प्रवर्द्धन गर्न नेपाल सरकारलाई संयुक्तरुपमा पत्राचार गर्न अनुरोध गरिएको छ। फास्ट ट्र्याकबाहेक बागमती कोरीडोर, बाहिरी चक्रपथ, थानकोट-भक्तपुर प्रसारण लाइन, काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा प्रस्तावित चारवटामध्येको एक ‘स्मार्ट सिटी’ लगायत लगायतका परियोजनाले आदिवासी नेवार समुदायका पूरै ऐतिहासिक बस्ती विस्थापित हुने पत्रमा भनिएको छ। तीमध्ये विभिन्न परियोजनालाई एशियाली विकास बैंकले प्रत्यक्ष वा अप्रत्यक्ष रूपमा सहयोग गरेको छ।

जनसरोकार समिति खोकना र बुंगमतीले विशेष समाधिक्षकहरुलाई सरकारलाई निम्न कदम चाल्न पत्राचार गर्न अनुरोध गरेका छन् :

  • निर्माणाधीन फास्ट ट्र्याक द्रुतमार्गको निर्माणकार्य तुरुन्त रोकी खोकना र बुंगमतीको कृषियोग्य र गुठी जग्गाको साथै ऐतिहासिक र सांस्कृतिक स्थलहरूको संरक्षण हुने तरिकाले द्रुतमार्गको रुट (alignment) परिमार्जन गर्नुपर्ने,
  • खोकनामा द्रुतमार्गको निर्माणको लागि बनाइएको नेपाली सेनाको शिविर (camp) र अन्य संरचनाहरू हटाई कब्जा गरिएका जग्गाहरू सम्बन्धित जमिन जग्गाधनीलाई फिर्ता गर्नुपर्ने,
  • द्रुतमार्ग लगायतका परियोजनाको सन्दर्भमा आफ्नो सरोकार र विरोधका आवाज उठाउन प्रभावित समुदायको शान्तिपूर्ण भेला हुने र अभिव्यक्ति स्वतन्त्रताको अधिकार सुनिश्चित गर्दै उनीहरूको सरोकारका विषयहरुमा सार्थक वार्ताको लागि वातावरण सिर्जना गर्नुपर्ने, र
  • प्रभावित समुदायहरूको जमिन र स्रोतसाधन माथि असर पार्ने फास्ट ट्र्याक द्रुतमार्ग र अन्य परियोजनाहरूको लागि समुदायको स्वतन्त्र, पूर्व र सूचित सहमति लिनुपर्ने।

यसअघि प्रभावित समुदायहरूले काठमाडौंमा रहेका अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रम संगठन (आईएलओ), युनेस्को र संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघका कार्यालयहरूलाई पनि यस्तै पत्र पठाएका थिए। ती कार्यालयका प्रतिनिधिहरूले समुदायका सरोकार र मागहरु बुझ्न खोकना र बुंगमतीको स्थलगत भ्रमण पनि गरेका थिए। यद्यपि सरकारले प्रभावित समुदायहरूसँग अर्थपूर्ण वार्ता गर्न ती कार्यालयहरूले सहजीकरण गरिदिन सक्ने भनी गरेको पत्राचारको सरकारले सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया दिएको छैन। 

वर्षौंदेखि, खोकाना र बुंगामतीका स्थानीयहरूले ती विभिन्न परियोजनाहरूको विरोधमा विभिन्न भेला, जुलुस, प्रदर्शन लगायतका कार्यक्रमहरु आयोजना गर्दै आएका छन्। ती प्रदर्शनहरुको प्रतिक्रियामा प्रहरी प्राय क्रूर दमनको साथ प्रस्तुत भएका छन्। असारमा फास्ट ट्र्याकको प्रस्तावित जिरो प्वाइन्ट खोकनाको खुदोलमा आयोजित “धान रोपाई” विरोध कार्यक्रममा प्रहरीले हस्तक्षेप गर्दा प्रदर्शनकारी र प्रहरीबीच झडप भएको थियो। प्रहरीले अश्रुग्याँस प्रहार गरी लाठीचार्ज गर्दा एक दर्जनभन्दा बढी प्रदर्शनकारीहरू र चार प्रहरी पनि घाइते भएका थिए। हालसालै, लगभग दैनिकजसो स्थानीयहरूलाई कोभिड-१९ को महामारीमा सर्वसाधारणलाई घरभित्रै बस्न प्रतिबन्धात्मक आदेश दिई प्रभावित समुदायको निजी तथा गुठी जग्गाहरूमा फास्ट ट्र्याक निर्माण गर्न खटाइएका ठेकेदारहरूसँग निर्माणस्थलमा चर्को विवाद बहस गरिरहनु परेको छ।

माघमा, खोकना र बुंगमतीका पचास भन्दा बढी प्रभावित स्थानीय र समुदायका प्रतिनिधिहरूले तिनका ऐतिहासिक बस्ती र त्यहाँका समुदायहरूको संरक्षणको लागि फास्ट ट्र्याक लगायतका विभिन्न “विकास” परियोजनाहरूको बिरूद्ध नेपालको सर्वोच्च अदालतमा रिट निवेदन दिएका थिए। तर, फास्ट ट्र्याकको निर्माण निरन्तर प्रगति भइरहेको छ भने अदालतले उक्त निवेदनमा सुनुवाई पटक-पटक स्थगित गरिरहेको छ। विशेष समाधिक्षकहरूलाई पठाइएका पत्रमा प्रभावित समुदायले नेपाल पक्ष राष्ट्र रहेको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रम संगठनको आदिवासी जनजाती सम्बन्धि महासन्धि १६९ (ILO C169) तथा आदिवासी जनजातिको अधिकार सम्बन्धी संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय घोषणापत्रलगायत विभिन्न अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय र  राष्ट्रिय कानुनमा प्रत्याभूत उनीहरूको अधिकारको हनन भएको जानकारी गराएका छन्।

थप जानकारीको लागि विशेष समाधिक्षकहरूलाई बुझाइएका पत्रहरुको अनुसूची (अंग्रेजीमा) पढ्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस्।

थप विवरण वा सोधपुछका लागि जनसरोकार समिति खोकनालाई मा सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्।

Campaign to restore archaeological Kamal Pokhari in Thamel urges ILO and UN to protect rights infringed due to construction of Chhaya Center

Campaign to Restore Archaeological Kamal Pokhari in Thamel has drawn attention of the ILO and UN offices in Nepal to the encroachment of traditional lands, including a historical pond and its banks, of indigenous Newa community in Kathmandu’s tourist district of Thamel for construction of Chaya Center business complex. The Campaign has thus called the ILO and the UN to push Nepal’s government for promotion and protection of the rights of the community. more “Campaign to restore archaeological Kamal Pokhari in Thamel urges ILO and UN to protect rights infringed due to construction of Chhaya Center”

चोभारस्थित सुक्खा बन्दरगाह प्रभावित समुदायद्वारा परियोजना बिरूद्ध विश्व बैंकमा उजुरी

चोभारस्थित सुक्खा बन्दरगाह प्रभावित समुदायद्वारा परियोजना बिरूद्ध विश्व बैंकमा उजुरी 

तत्काल बजेट वितरण रोकी सुक्खा बन्दरगाहको लागि वैकल्पिक योजना तयार गर्न आह्वान 

[सार्वजनिक विज्ञप्ति] १३ बैशाख २०७७, काठमाडौं

काठमाडौंको चोभारमा निर्माणाधीन सुख्खा बन्दरगाहबाट प्रभावित समुदायका प्रतिनिधिहरूले आज त्यस परियोजनाको वित्तीय दाता विश्व बैंकको स्वतन्त्र उजूरी संयन्त्र इन्सपेक्सन प्यानलमा उजुरी गरे। मुख्य गरी आदिवासी नेवार रहेको प्रभावित समुदायको स्वतन्त्र, पूर्व र सुचित सहमति कायम गर्न परियोजना असफल भएको आरोप लगाउँदै उनीहरुले बैंकलाई तुरुन्तै सुख्खा बन्दरगाहको बजेट निकासा र सबै निर्माण गतिविधि रोक्न तथा वैकल्पिक योजना अपनाउन आव्हान गरेका छन्। more “चोभारस्थित सुक्खा बन्दरगाह प्रभावित समुदायद्वारा परियोजना बिरूद्ध विश्व बैंकमा उजुरी”

Chobhar dry port affected communities file complaint with the World Bank against the construction of the project

Chobhar dry port affected communities file complaint with the World Bank against the construction of the project

Complainants call for immediate halt to budget disbursement and alternative plan for the dry port

[Public Release] 25 April 2020, Kathmandu

Representatives of communities affected by the dry port under construction at Chobhar in south of Kathmandu today filed a complaint with the Inspection Panel – the independent complaint mechanism of the World Bank that is financing the project. They allege failure to uphold free, prior and informed consent of the affected communities – predominatly indigenous Newar – for the project, among other violations, and thus have called on the Bank to immediately stop disbursement of budget as well as all construction activity and adopt an alternative plan for the dry port. more “Chobhar dry port affected communities file complaint with the World Bank against the construction of the project”

निर्माणाधीन तनहुँ जलविद्युत् परियोजना प्रभावित आदिवासी समुदायबाट एसियाली विकास बैंक र युरोपियन इन्भेष्टमेन्ट बैंकमा उजुरी

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति 

निर्माणाधीन तनहुँ जलविद्युत् परियोजना प्रभावित आदिवासी समुदायबाट एसियाली विकास बैंक र युरोपियन इन्भेष्टमेन्ट बैंकमा उजुरी

परियोजनाले समुदायको स्वतन्त्र पूर्व सूसुचित सहमती कायम गर्न र जग्गा र जीविकामा हुने हानिको लागि पर्याप्त मुवाब्जा तथा क्षतिपूर्ति दिन असफल भएको गुनासो 

तत्काल प्रकाशनको लागि

८ फाल्गुन २०७६ 

तनहुँ, नेपाल – नेपालमा निर्माणाधीन तनहुँ जलविद्युत् परियोजनाबाट प्रभावित आदिवासी समुदायहरूले परियोजनासँगको समस्या समाधान गर्न स्वतन्त्र मध्यस्थताको लागि अनुरोध गर्दै परियोजनाका दुई लगानीकर्ता एसियाली विकास बैंक र यूरोपियन लगानी बैंकका उजुरी संयत्रहरुमा उजुरी गरेका छन्। “प्रत्यक्ष डुबान पिडित सामूहिक पुर्नअधिकार संरक्षण समिति”मा आबद्ध कम्तिमा ३२ प्रभावित परिवार वा जग्गाधनीहरूले जग्गाको सट्टा जग्गा र घरको सट्टा घर नै मुवाब्जा हुनुपर्ने, परियोजनाको विस्तृत सर्वेको क्रममा छुट्टिएका जग्गाको पुन: सर्वेक्षण गरिनुपर्ने र परियोजनाको प्रक्रियामा स्वतन्त्र पूर्व सूसुचित सहमती कार्यान्वयन गर्नुपर्ने सहितका १० बुँदे माग राखी गत मंगलबार (२८ माघ) मा उजुरी बुझाएका हुन्।  more “निर्माणाधीन तनहुँ जलविद्युत् परियोजना प्रभावित आदिवासी समुदायबाट एसियाली विकास बैंक र युरोपियन इन्भेष्टमेन्ट बैंकमा उजुरी”

Indigenous communities affected by the Tanahu Hydropower Project in Nepal file complaints with the Asian Development Bank and European Investment Bank


Indigenous communities affected by the Tanahu Hydropower Project in Nepal file complaints with the Asian Development Bank and European Investment Bank 

Communities allege failure to uphold free, prior and informed consent and inadequate compensation for loss of lands and livelihoods


February 20, 2020

TANAHU, NEPAL Indigenous communities affected by the Tanahu Hydropower Project in Nepal have filed complaints with independent watchdogs of the Asian Development Bank and the European Investment Bank — two co-financiers of the project — requesting an independent mediation process. At least 32 affected families or landowners organized under the “Directly Inundation Affected Peoples Collective Rights Protection Committee” calling for ‘land for land’ and ‘house for house’ compensation; re-survey of land left out during the ‘Detailed Measurement Survey’ of the project, and free, prior and informed consent in the project process, among their ten demands, submitted the complaints on Tuesday, 11 February. more “Indigenous communities affected by the Tanahu Hydropower Project in Nepal file complaints with the Asian Development Bank and European Investment Bank”

Tanahu Hydropower affected communities express concerns on formation of local consultation forum and plan further advocacy actions

22 July 2017

Tanahu Hydropower Project affected communities have expressed concerns on the formation of local consultation forum as operational-level grievance mechanism for the project for lack of adequate mandate and effective representation of the communities. They have also planned further advocacy actions against the project, including litigations and complaints. more “Tanahu Hydropower affected communities express concerns on formation of local consultation forum and plan further advocacy actions”

ADB co-financed Tanahu Hydropower Project affected communities reject compensation

*Please note this is an unofficial translation

To editors of all media agencies
10 February 2017

Press release

The reports in local newspapers published on 10 February 2017 that Tanahu Hydropower Project have taken forward the process of distribution of compensation to the residents of reservoir area have drawn serious attention of the concerned people of the inundation area. The compensation has been determined in a one-sided and arbitrary manner without informing and obtaining consent of the affected people or their participation despite the preliminary discussions on the issue. The bodies of affected people – Tanahu Hydropower Directly Affected Area Concerned Committee & Directly Concerned Inundation Area Conservation Committee – jointly condemn the decision in strongest terms and express our disagreement on it.

We would like to draw the attention of the concerned agencies that the affected people do not agree with the compensation determined in any way and call on to consider the following points when determining compensation:

  1. We have the natural right to determine the value of our lands ourselves. However, the compensation determined without our consent is undemocratic, so the compensation should be determined with our consent.
  2. The compensation should be determined on the basis of not only the traditional thinking but also the scientific analysis of the use of the lands
  3. Discrimination in compensation fixation
    Among the affected areas under the Tanahu Hydropower Project, the residents of Jhaputar were provided compensation at the rate of minimum NPR 100,000 to NPR 300,000 per anna (31.80 m²). However, as per the news reports, we learnt of the decision that the residents within the reservoir under the same project would be compensated at the rate of NPR 200,000 to 800,000 per ropani (508.72 m²). Such discriminatory decision should be annulled and compensation should be distributed as per the 26-point memorandum of the affected people
  4. About rejecting the compensation
    We notify that we will not accept the compensation determined currently until the 26-point demands are addressed.
  5. We notify that we will even submit a complaint to the Asian Development Bank regarding the discriminatory decision of the Project.
  6. We notify that we will undertake strong protests if the 26-point demands are not addressed and will publish the protest programmes in near future

Directly Concerned Inundation Area Conservation Committee

Tanahu Hydropower Directly Affected Area Concerned Committee

Click here to read the original press release in Nepali and here to download the unofficial English translation of the press release.