Improved Cooking Stoves training provided and construction undertaken at Chyaurang village in Makwanpur

On 25 May 2024, CEMSOJ provided a training on construction and maintenance of Improved Cooking Stove to Indigenous Tamangs and Chepangs of Chyaurang, Saleni Taar and Sukhel villages of Raksirang rural municipality in remote hills of Makawanpur district in southern Nepal. The Stoves are aimed to particularly benefit Indigenous women of the villages of Ward no. 9 of the rural municipality.

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Rice and flour grinding mill handed over for women’s empowerment at Saleni Taar of Raksirang, Makwanpur

On 23 May 2024, CEMSOJ handed over a 4 horsepower dual hopper rice and flour grinding mill to Saleni Taar Pico Hydropower Users Committee for installation at Saleni Taar of Raksirang Rural Municipality, Ward no. 9 in Makwanpur district in southern Nepal.

In response to the request of the Committee, the mill is specifically aimed for socio-economic empowerment of the Indigenous Tamang and Chepang women from among the beneficiary families of the 6 kW pico hydropower plant that CEMSOJ had supported the Committee to set up and operate since last year by using the electricity from the plant not used during the daytime. The Committee has gradually increased its users from 35 to 48 over the year.

more “Rice and flour grinding mill handed over for women’s empowerment at Saleni Taar of Raksirang, Makwanpur”